San Francisco retailer challenges Mayor Breed to swap jobs for 180 days: ‘You’d see a lot of change’

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The owner of San Francisco’s historic luxury department store is holding the feet of elected officials to the fire over the city’s deteriorating conditions, leveling a threat to move his business elsewhere if nothing changes.

For over 165 years, Gump’s was a popular stop for shoppers who visit the City by the Bay. But in a full-page ad in The San Francisco Chronicle, its CEO John Chachas called out top Democrats California Gov. Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed and the city’s Board of Supervisors, suggesting the upcoming holiday season may be its last.

“San Francisco now suffers from a ‘tyranny of the minority’ —behavior and actions of the few that jeopardize the livelihood of the many,” Chachas wrote in the open letter that ran in the paper last week. “The ramifications of COVID policies advising people to abandon their offices are only beginning to be understood. Equally devastating have been a litany of destructive San Francisco strategies, including allowing the homeless to occupy our sidewalks, to openly distribute and use illegal drugs, to harass the public and to defile the city’s streets.”

“Such abject disregard for civilized conduct makes San Francisco unlivable for its residents, unsafe for our employees, and unwelcoming to visitors from around the world,” he told the elected officials.

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