US sanctions Chinese officials over ‘forcible assimilation’ of Tibetan children

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China has launched an education program to bring about the “forcible assimilation of more than one million Tibetan children,” according to U.S. officials moving to punish the abuses.

“These coercive policies seek to eliminate Tibet’s distinct linguistic, cultural, and religious traditions among younger generations of Tibetans,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Tuesday.

Students recite vocabulary during a Mandarin Chinese class at Nagqu No. 2 Senior High School, a public boarding school for students from northern Tibet, in Lhasa in western China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, as seen during a rare government-led tour of the region for foreign journalists on June 1, 2021. Long defined by its Buddhist culture, Tibet is facing a push for assimilation and political orthodoxy under China’s ruling Communist Party.

Blinken’s denunciation accompanied a notice of visa restrictions for Chinese officials involved …

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