Video Allegedly Shows Democrat Mayor Flee From Reporters To Getaway Car, Avoiding Questions

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Democratic Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was allegedly seen fleeing from reporters to avoid questions and getting in a getaway car, video shows.

Footage posted to Twitter by CBS reporter Darius Johnson shows a chaotic scene of journalists, including Johnson, running after what appears to be the Chicago mayor as they attempted to question him about the recent death of Chicago Police Department (CPD) officer Luis Huesca. (RELATED: Police Officer Shot Dead By Teen Over Suspicious Vehicle Stop, Police Say)

“Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor, will you please wait? Mr. Mayor, why do you have to run from us?” a reporter yelled.

“Mayor, we just want a comment about the arrest last night in relation to Officer Huesca,” the CBS reporter said. “He just ran.”

NEW VIDEO: @ChicagosMayor RUNS from me and another reporter as we tried to ask him about the arrest in the death of Officer Luis Huesca. He did not …

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