Trump Floats Plan to Eliminate Income Tax

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Former President Donald Trump, who levied tariffs on China during his term in office, is considering using tariffs to reduce or replace the income tax, according to new reports.

Per CNBC, sources in a meeting between Trump and GOP lawmakers said the concept of an “all tariff policy” was brought up by Trump.

Trump also considers tariffs a weapon to use against nations hostile to the United States, CNBC said it was told by another source it did not name.

Tariff increases, a continuation of Trump’s 2017 tax cuts, and an end to taxes of tips were all discussed, according to Bloomberg.

“He does want to look at lowering the income tax, and that could be offset and paid for by some type of tariffs, particularly on adversarial nations,” Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York said after the meeting.

Trump: Tariffs give tremendous power over countries — WideAwakeSharon 📖✝️🇺🇸 (@WideAwakeSharon) June 14, 2024

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor …

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