Establishment Polling Expert Makes His Prediction on 2024 Election – ‘Isn’t a Toss-Up’

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Statistician Nate Silver, a card-carrying liberal who does not want former President Donald Trump to win in November, conceded the general election is no longer a “toss-up.”

“I don’t want Trump to win the election, and I’d never consider voting for him,” the analyst wrote Wednesday in a forecast headlined “The presidential election isn’t a toss-up.”

“The candidate who I honest-to-God think has a better chance (Trump) isn’t the candidate I’d rather have win (Biden),” he added.

Having said that, Silver — who is perhaps best known for being part of the establishment media shills at FiveThirtyEight who grossly overestimated Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the 2016 presidential election — predicts Trump has a 65.7 percent chance of victory over President Joe Biden, who has a 33.7 percent chance.

His forecast was based on 40,000 simulations run through a statistical model. It has Trump receiving 287 Electoral College votes …

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