Steve Garvey Visits IDF Soldiers Wounded In Hamas War

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Baseball Hall-of-Famer Steve Garvey, now the GOP senatorial candidate from California, visited Israel Defense Force Soldiers wounded in the war in Gaza.

Garvey went to Chaim Sheba Medical Center, where he visited with soldiers who had sustained serious injuries, including amputation of limbs, from their efforts at eliminating Hamas. While he was in Tel Aviv, Garvey met with attorney Samara Weiner of Burbank, California, a Democrat who said she would now vote for Garvey.

“On behalf of every Democrat who is Jewish, feeling this way, thank you for your support,” Garvey wrote on Facebook.

“Where others won’t go, my campaign will,” Garvey said. “Americans need to see and understand what happened to Israel on Oct. 7 and why it’s time for the United States to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish people in Israel and at home.”

“On Tuesday – day 2 of my visit to Israel – I visited two sites …

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