ROOKE: Biden Admin Caught Taking Fake Victory Lap On Border. It’s Much Worse Than We Imagine

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The Biden administration claims that illegal immigration has dropped almost 30% since May, but like most victory laps they take, it’s not real.

U.S. Border Patrol agents told NBC News that June saw the lowest number of apprehensions of illegal immigrants with “just” 84,000 crossings.

Border Patrol agents apprehended just over 84,000 migrants crossing the U.S. southern border in June, the lowest monthly number since President Joe Biden took office in 2021, a DHS official tells NBC News. — NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) July 1, 2024

“It’s the lowest since President Joe Biden took office,” the regime is screaming at the top of their lungs. “Look at us cracking down on the border! The President’s executive order is working!”

The problem is that the number is not remotely accurate. In reality, the Biden administration allowed more than 100,000 illegal immigrants to enter …

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