‘Hollywood’s Most Outspoken Trump Supporter’: Trump Is ‘Absolutely’ as Good a President as Lincoln Was

Article originally appeared on www.westernjournal.com.

Former President Donald Trump is, without question, a beloved figure by many Americans, from the blue collar workers to the Hollywood elites.

But was Trump one of the greatest presidents in American history?

One of Trump’s most famous friends “absolutely” thinks so.

In a wide-ranging piece with Variety, legendary actor Jon Voight discussed a number of heavy topics with the outlet’s Stephen Rodrick, including his strained relationship with A-list actress and daughter Angelina Jolie.

(“She has been exposed to propaganda,” Voight said of Jolie’s pro-Palestinian activism. “She’s been influenced by anti-Semitic people.”)

Rodrick, who calls Voight “Hollywood’s most outspoken Trump supporter,” noted how Voight recollects the first meeting between the two.

“It was at a party in New York in the 1990s,” Voight told Rodrick. “[Trump] came all the way across the room to tell me how much he loved one of my films.

“I was so impressed.”

So impressed …

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