It Turns Out Biden’s Economy Isn’t So ‘Cured’ After All

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Fears of a U.S. recession cratered global markets just a matter of days after President Joe Biden declared the economy “cured,” with experts pointing to the lame duck president’s own administration as the driving force behind the turmoil.

Global stock prices cratered Monday amid rising fears that the U.S. is headed for recession following the release of disappointing jobs data on Friday. Biden said July 30 that he wanted his “legacy for Gen Z” to be that he “cured the economy,” however economists told the DCNF that the market turmoil was a byproduct of overregulation and unbridled spending. (RELATED: ‘Not Normal’: Over One Million Jobs Reported In 2023 Didn’t Actually Exist)

Asia-Pacific stock indexes plummeted on Monday, with Japan’s Nikkei 225 closing down 12.40% in its largest single-day drop since Black Monday in 1987. South Korean index Kospi dropped 8.77%, falling so quickly that …

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