UK Muslim Justice Minister Promises to Lock Up Englishmen Who Protest Mass Migration

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And, of course, a free pass for the Muslim mobs whose presence must not even be mentioned.

This is UK Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood Now do you understand why the UK police and the Labour regime are letting Muslim mobs freely attack British people while ruthlessly cracking down on protests against migrant violence? — Daniel Greenfield – “Hang Together or Separately” (@Sultanknish) August 4, 2024

My message to anyone who chooses to take part in this violence and thuggery is simple: the police, courts and prisons stand ready and you will face the consequences of your appalling acts. — Shabana Mahmood MP (@ShabanaMahmood) August 6, 2024

Mahmood obviously doesn’t refer to herself. She means those opposed to her ideology.

The Starmer regime, unable to fix the economy or anything else it campaigned on, is going Full Reichstag in response to English protests that broke out after …

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