Woman Who Stole Nomination Picks Man Who Stole Valor As Running Mate

Article originally appeared on www.dailywire.com.

It’s been just about 48 hours since Kamala Harris announced Tim Walz would be her running mate. And in that time, it’s already become clear how Walz has enjoyed such a successful political career in Minnesota. It’s not because he’s achieved anything notable for people living in the state, aside from making major cities far more dangerous. It’s not because he’s particularly charismatic or intelligent or compelling to listen to. Walz is none of those things.

Tim Walz is the governor of Minnesota because the local media, under orders from the state’s political machine, protected him for nearly two decades. They created a false persona — Tim Walz the war hero-turned-folksy teacher — and shut down any attempt to scrutinize his background. Specifically, the media buried evidence that Walz is a fraudster who has repeatedly and openly lied about his …

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