The Red Revolution: Chicago to Open State-Run Grocery Stores

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Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

Lots of analysts on the right throw the term “communism” around recklessly.

Even I, on occasion, flippantly refer to this or that as “commie” because it’s a fun word, even when it doesn’t necessarily apply.

But this, boys and girls, is about as close to literal communism as we’ve ever seen in American politics, in that Marx envisioned a revolution in which the proletariat (working stiffs) rises up and throws off the shackles of the capitalist bourgeoisie (Jeff Bezos types) in an orgiastic liberatory celebration of humanity.

Via Investopedia (not the best source for economic philosophy, but a decent synopsis nonetheless) (emphasis added):

“Marx thought that the capitalist system contained the seeds of its own destruction. The alienation and exploitation of the proletariat that are fundamental to capitalist relations would inevitably drive the working class to rebel against the bourgeoisie and seize control of the means of production. This …

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