Pollsters That Were Dead-On in Last 2 Elections Drop 2024 Update, Kamala Harris Should Be Terrified

Article originally appeared on www.westernjournal.com.

Is Kamala Harris’ mojo fading? Two pollsters who got the last two elections right say that it is — and they think Donald Trump has an edge in the battleground states.

According to the New York Post, InsiderAdvantage and Trafalgar polling surveyed seven battleground states and predicted the GOP nominee would end up with 296 electoral votes if the election were held today — more than enough to win.

“Matt Towery of Georgia-based InsiderAdvantage found Trump ahead in Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina (and down by 0.4% only in Georgia),” the Post noted.

“He noted that both he and Robert Calahy of Trafalgar (which handled Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan) were both in the top 3 of pollsters in the ‘16 and ‘20 cycles because their methodology allows them to “pick up some Trump vote that some of the other pollsters might not be able to get.”

All of the states were …

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