EXCLUSIVE: School District Had Trans-Identifying Female Supervise Young Boys Showering, Lawsuit Alleges

Article originally appeared on www.dailywire.com.

A Colorado school district has knowingly and repeatedly assigned children to bunk with members of the opposite sex on overnight trips, according to a lawsuit first obtained by The Daily Wire.

Jefferson County School District’s “Transgender Students” policy requires that all students on overnight visits are to be roomed by their gender identity, rather than their actual sex. The district shared this policy with transgender-identifying students and chaperones, but not with students or their parents.

The three families suing the district on behalf of their children — Joseph and Serena Wailes, Bret and Susanne Roller, and Robert and Jade Perlman — did not learn about the policies until their children found themselves rooming with students and chaperones of the opposite gender on trips, the lawsuit states.

In one instance, the district assigned an 11-year-old girl to a bunk with a trans-identifying boy. In another, it placed a trans-identifying …

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