Biden’s Response Raises Eyebrows When ‘The View’ Asks if He Was Forced Out of the Race

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A blind squirrel is probably still far wiser than the collective co-hosts of the daytime talk show “The View” — but even those screeching leftists can occasionally stumble on a genuinely newsworthy “nut.”

It’s obviously rare, and it certainly wasn’t intentional, but Wednesday’s episode of “The View” actually provided a genuinely interesting tidbit for viewers.

And that’s because that episode featured a sitdown with incumbent President Joe Biden, and provided a fascinating glimpse into the psyche of the soon-to-be single-term president.

Specifically, many took particular interest in the way Biden responded to a question about whether he had been forced out of the forthcoming November general election.

While Biden has publicly stated that he, and he alone, had decided to decline seeking re-election, many others had speculated that the incumbent was actually removed forcibly by Democrat elites.

Hence, why the topic was broached Wednesday on “The …

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