Al Qaeda Rapidly Growing In Afghanistan After Disastrous Biden Withdrawal

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The Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda is reportedly rapidly growing in size inside of Afghanistan just a couple of years after President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from the country.

A report from the U.N. Security Council at the end of last month said that despite the Taliban’s claims, “the relationship between the Taliban and Al-Qaida remains close, and the latter maintains a holding pattern in Afghanistan under Taliban patronage.”

The report said that the Taliban is trying to hide its relationship with Al Qaeda even though many inside the Taliban share the same extreme ideology.

The report claimed that the group was not strong enough yet to start carrying out terrorist attacks overseas, but noted that the terrorist group has “established up to eight new training camps in Afghanistan, including four in Ghazni, Laghman, Parwan and Uruzgan Provinces, with a new base …

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