EXCLUSIVE: Congress’ Sole Ukrainian-Born Member Victoria Spartz Blasts Zelenskyy, Ukraine Corruption

Article originally appeared on dailycaller.com.

Republican Indiana Rep. Victoria Spartz blasted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for weak leadership Wednesday in exclusive comments to the Daily Caller.

“He is good at playing a hero and making grandiose statements on TV but not as heroic when it comes to fighting a real fight against Putin,” Spartz, who was born and raised in Ukraine, told the Daily Caller.

“[He] did not get [the] country ready before the war; did not deal with corruption and Russian assets in his government, and when he pretends to do it it’s just for the show – no one gets punished,” she stated.

“[He] did not put [the] country in the military mode when major war advanced in 2022; made a lot of military decisions based on theater presentations not proper strategy; is afraid of free media and criticism, so is terrorizing and smearing anyone who criticizes him.”

Zelenskyy consolidated Ukraine’s cable news outlets, dissolved …

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