$25,000 For Homes And $6,000 For Kids Will Ruin The Economy

Article originally appeared on thefederalist.com.

Kamala Harris is promising a massive payment to all first-time home buyers who complain they cannot afford to buy a home due to the economy under the Biden-Harris administration. Harris would also give the largest child tax credit ever to parents under a certain income level.

Harris also promised to cut costs by reducing “price gouging” by companies. Such Soviet-style government control over private industry will cause businesses to reduce employees to maintain profit margins. Harris either knows that and doesn’t care or misunderstands basic economics. She has not released any hard policies, so we are left to guess.

Regardless, government cannot simultaneously spend pallets of cash it has yet to print and reduce government spending. However, it is campaign season and reality has officially been suspended. Harris promises to give $25,000 to all first-time home buyers if they pay their rent on time for 24 months and a $6,000 …

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