Liberal Kennedys Will Go Catatonic – Bannon Announces First Act for Reformed Kennedy Center

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A few decades ago, it seemed like defenestrating the Kennedy family from the cathedral of American power was an impossible task.

No matter how many women drowned in cars he was driving or “waitress sandwiches” he participated in, Edward Kennedy continued in his role as “The Lion of the Senate” until his death in 2009.

Since then, pretty much any Kennedy relative who expressed much interest in politics was hailed as the Second Coming of Camelot. Ted’s son Patrick came the closest to matching the legacy; a representative from Rhode Island until 2011, his upward trajectory was halted after a charge of driving under the influence when he crashed his car on Capitol Hill in 2006.

(Not that his issues weren’t pretty much public knowledge before then: The polemicist Christopher Hitchens, no stranger to insobriety, penned an essay three years before the accident in which he noted Patrick’s “ability to find …

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