Disney Heiress, Other Major Dem Donors: Dump Biden
Major Democrat donors are now pledging not to donate to the Democratic Party’s 2024 campaign unless President Joe Biden relinquishes his position as the presidential nominee.
Major Democrat donors are now pledging not to donate to the Democratic Party’s 2024 campaign unless President Joe Biden relinquishes his position as the presidential nominee.
Former first lady Michelle Obama polled the best among potential Democratic presidential candidates against former President Donald Trump should President Joe Biden choose to step aside.
The Biden administration claims that illegal immigration has dropped almost 30% since May, but like most victory laps they take, it’s not real.
We now have a new scapegoat for who or what’s to blame for President Joe Biden’s apocalyptically bad Thursday night debate performance.
Young people, and young men in particular, are losing faith in the country’s education system. They are opting out of college in record numbers. This trend has been ongoing for some time, and now …
It’s now Tuesday, the better part of a week after the debate debacle Thursday that raised the questions of 1) whether President Joe Biden could be replaced atop the Democratic presidential ticket and 2) who would …
Imagine going out to take your dog for a walk on the National Mall and ending up in handcuffs, all because your dog was not on a leash. This scenario sounds absurd in America. But it happened to Fox News …
Baseball Hall-of-Famer Steve Garvey, now the GOP senatorial candidate from California, visited Israel Defense Force Soldiers wounded in the war in Gaza.
If you missed Sunday night’s Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards show because you had something better to do, like trimming your toenails, then you mercifully missed a pre-recorded, badly scripted cameo appearance by epically …
Former President Donald Trump said the Supreme Court gave democracy a massive victory Monday by ruling that presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts.