Normal Blood Sugar Can Still Lead to Prediabetes, 2 Common Symptoms to Watch For

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Do you feel hungry before meals and drowsy after meals? If this happens all the time, you may have insulin resistance in your body, which is considered prediabetes. Many people have pre-diabetes even if their blood sugar tests are normal. Be aware if you have the symptoms mentioned here.

Why Is There Insulin Resistance When Blood Sugar Level Is Normal?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one-third of American adults had prediabetes.

Pre-diabetic patients develop insulin resistance due to the decreased sensitivity of cells to insulin, so the body has to secrete a large amount of insulin to suppress blood sugar levels.

People with chronic insulin resistance are at high risk of developing diabetes later in life. Even if it does not develop into diabetes, when the insulin and blood sugar levels remain high for a long time, the continuous oxidative stress and inflammation in the …

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