Biden is trying to use a Jedi mind trick to convince us the economy is great

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President Biden will use his State of the Union speech on Tuesday to take a victory lap and test his reelection pitch, claiming credit for a robust economy and keeping global allies unified against Russia’s war on Ukraine.

The upbeat assessment is expected to omit or gloss over the crises surrounding Mr. Biden, such as the chaos at the border and the special counsel investigation of his mishandling of government secrets.

The plans he details on Tuesday will be on a collision course with a Republican-controlled House, which has already opened investigations into the Biden family’s business and financial deals that often involve foreign entities.

In a brief preview of the speech, the White House said Mr. Biden will brush all those concerns aside and focus on the most critical issue of his presidency, the economy.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Mr. Biden will emphasize …

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