Meet The ‘Nonpartisan’ Dark-Money Group Rigging MI Elections

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Over the past five years, Michigan has been completely transformed by a series of ruinous electoral reforms. This development, however, has nothing to do with some Trump-induced hangover or the popularity of its Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer. These reforms are part of a nationwide conspiracy concocted by a vast network of leftist dark money using “nonpartisan” proxy organizations and the ballot initiative loophole to circumvent the ordinary political process.

In Michigan, the principal puppet behind these reforms has been a little-known “nonpartisan advocacy organization” with the anodyne name of Voters Not Politicians (VNP). VNP supposedly began when Katie Fahey, a 27-year-old recycling activist, made a Facebook post about ending gerrymandering that went viral after the 2016 election.

Beyond this humble origin story, however, the details surrounding the organization are much shadier. Nancy Wang, the current executive director and a former …

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