Hunter’s Former Best Friend Will Testify That Hunter Had Dad On Phone Multiple Times With Foreign Business Partners

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In a direct challenge to the Biden family narrative, Hunter Biden’s former best friend, who served as a director of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma along with him, will reportedly say that Hunter Biden put his father on the phone roughly two dozen times as Hunter spoke to his foreign business partners or business investors.

Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he did not speak with his son about Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

Devon Archer, 48, will testify before the House Oversight Committee, and is expected to say the calls happened in his presence, The New York Post reported, adding that a close associate of Archer’s said he is testifying out of his obligation to his “civic duty.” The associate stated Archer has “nothing to hide, no revenge to enact nor anyone to protect other than his family and he feels he has been handcuffed by the absurdly bogus [fraud] case into remaining silent. In a forum where he has immunity he can at least start to speak truth.”

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