Detransitioned woman sues sex change doctors for $1 MILLION due to permanent disfigurement

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A detransitioner has filed a lawsuit against those who facilitated and botched a life-altering double mastectomy that left her with “permanent disfigurement and profound psychological scarring.”

Soren Aldaco, 21, alleged that instead of acting with her best interests at heart, the doctors and therapists she visited acted more like “idealogues,” hellbent on “affirming” her belief that she was a male through any means necessary

The lawsuit, filed Friday at the Tarrant County District Court of Texas, names Del Scott Perry, Sreenath Nekkalapu, Barbara Rose Wood, Richard Santucci, Ashley DeLeon, Crane Clinic LLC, Texas Health Physicians Group, Three Oaks Counseling Group LLC, and Mesa Springs LLC.

Each individual and organization played a role in Aldaco’s botched transition, seemingly ignoring the fact that she was “a vulnerable teenager struggling with a slew of mental health issues” in order to push “experimental ‘gender affirming’ medical therapies.”

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