House Oversight Members Confirm President Biden Was Present During Son’s Foreign Business Phone Calls

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Hunter Biden’s former business partner reportedly confirmed to the House Oversight Committee that President Joe Biden was on more than twenty calls with his son during a closed-door hearing on Monday, where Republican members pressed for details about alleged foreign business dealings involving the president during his time in the Obama administration.

Devon Archer, who served as a director of Ukrainian energy company Burisma alongside Hunter Biden, reportedly ignored questions from the press as he walked into the O’Neill House Office Building. The committee was expected to interview Archer for approximately five hours, where Republican and Democrat members rotate between hour blocks to investigate the key witness, who has alleged Hunter put then-Vice President Joe Biden on speaker phone roughly two dozen times as Hunter spoke to his foreign business partners or investors, beginning in 2014.

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), who was reportedly the only left-wing politician present in the room during Archer’s testimony, said Archer “indicated that Hunter spoke to his father every day, and approximately 20 times over the course of a 10-year relationship,” The Daily Mail reported, adding they never spoke about business dealings and only exchanged “niceties” like talking about “the weather.”

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