Sound of Freedom DEFEATS Indiana Jones 5 in total US Box Office, closes in on $175 million

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The anti-trafficking film, Sound of Freedom, has grossed over $172 million in sales to date. It is set to be one of the top grossing movies of the year.

Sound of Freedom premiered on July 4th, and has since overtaken the latest film in the Indiana Jones franchise in total domestic grossing sales.

Sitting in the top 10 of grossing movies of the year in the United States, Sound of Freedom tells of the career of Tim Ballard, a former DHS agent, who quit his job to start Operation Underground Railroad (OUR). OUR is an organization dedicated to rescuing children who have been trafficked for sex and other exploitation.

The narrative of the movie itself is based on stories from Tim’s life working against sex slavery. The brother and sister in the movie, although not related in real life, are based on two real children.

The little brother is based on a little boy who was rescued at the border and transported by a pedophile in 2006 when Ballard worked on the border. The boy’s sister, who was heroically rescued in the movie, is based on Ballard and OUR’s “continual search” for another boy who was trafficked named Gardy. In reality, Gardy is yet to be found.

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