Media Don’t Care About Maui Fires Or Biden’s ‘Katrina Moment’

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It’s hard to imagine a more shameful, indifferent response to the tragic wildfires in Maui than what we’ve seen from President Joe Biden in recent weeks. Upon first being asked about the deadly fires, which have killed 115 people and counting, Biden, who was on vacation at the time, simply said, “No comment.”

When he finally got around to visiting Hawaii (after a second vacation) nearly two weeks after the fires had devastated swaths of Maui, with more than 1,000 people still missing and the death toll rising daily, Biden embarked on a series of almost unbelievably crass and heartless comments.

As Greg Price noted on Twitter, the president “joked about how hot the ground was, mispronounced the names of every Hawaii elected official, told a complete lie about how his house once almost burned down, joked about how he knows what they are feeling because he almost lost his corvette, fell asleep while meeting with Maui residents and is now going back on vacation.” He also opened his remarks in Maui by invoking his late wife and daughter, who died in a car accident in 1972, following his usual pattern of making mass tragedies all about himself.

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