DOJ blocks Rachel Levine from being exposed in Alabama’s law on banning sex changes for minors litigation

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The Department of Justice intervened to protect Biden appointee, assistant secretary for health Dr. Rachel Levine, from discovery in Alabama litigation relating to its ban on transgender sex change procedures for minors.

Alabama’s attorney general – Steve Marshall – is defending litigation against an Alabama law that made it a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, to prescribe puberty blockers or hormones to transgender children for a sex change.

The Department of Justice requested to be a party in a lawsuit against the Alabama law blocking sex changes for minors, making some federal agencies considered experts on the topic, subject to discovery. Discovery is a procedure during litigation in which parties present and request evidence before trial.

Marshall then requested Levine’s records, believing she is one of the primary voices in the federal government – and relevantly in the Health and Human Services Department – who is advocating for sex changes in children with gender dysphoria.

“It is not hyperbole to say that Admiral Levine is the leading public-facing official in the United States government when it comes to transitioning treatments for minors,” the AG said in a court filing. It proceeded to mention how Levine “routinely endorses puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones” for minors, lectures physicians discussing the treatments, and oversees the division at HHS that published the federal guidance endorsing sex changes for minors.

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