Republican strategists searching for new term besides ‘pro-life’

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Republican strategists are seeking a rebrand on the subject of abortion.

After recent electoral losses, which some analysts blamed on the backlash against Republicans’ position on abortion, strategists are looking for a term besides “pro-life” to describe their position, fearing the label has formed a negative connotation, NBC News reported. The head of a super PAC close to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told a closed-door meeting of Senate Republicans that polling shows a negative connotation and the party must relabel itself to remove the stigma.

“What intrigued me the most about the results was that ‘pro-choice’ and ‘pro-life’ mean something different now, that people see being pro-life as being against all abortions … at all levels,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) said.

Former McConnell aide Steven Law’s presentation encouraged Republicans to be as specific as possible when talking about abortion rather than reverting to the label of “pro-life,” according to several senators at the meeting. No alternative was given in the presentation for a simple label, but some had ideas.

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