White House press sec REFUSES to address Biden’s border crisis after two children drown in Rio Grande

Article originally appeared on thepostmillennial.com.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer questions about the illegal immigration crisis at the US/Mexico border during a press briefing on Thursday.

This despite recent reports that thousands of illegal immigrants rushed the border in mob-like packs in Eagle Pass, Texas, and two children, ages 3 and 10, died while trying to cross the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass within the past week.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy stumped the White House press secretary when he asked her a simple question about the ongoing invasion. Instead of being transparent, Jean-Pierre attempted to place blame on Republicans and then decided that she wouldn’t be answering questions surrounding President Biden’s border crisis.

Doocy: “So, what do you call it here at the White House when 10, 000 people illegally cross the border in a single day?”

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