Polls: Democrat Campaign Strategy Of Indictments Has Backfired

Article originally appeared on thefederalist.com.

This weekend, ABC News and the Washington Post released a poll showing former President Donald Trump with a commanding 10-point lead over President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election.

The Washington Post was clearly embarrassed by its poll, and scrambled to come up with reasons readers should ignore it. Democrat analyst Larry Sabato, who confidently predicted Hillary Clinton would win 352 electoral votes in 2016 (she received 227 in her loss to Donald Trump), asked the Washington Post, “How could you even publish a poll so absurd on its face? Will be a lingering embarrassment for you.”

Other Democrats also composed panicked posts for social media.

Now, on the one hand, like all polls, the ABC News/Washington Post poll should be viewed skeptically. It’s the poll that had Biden up 12 points in 2020, overestimating his support by eight points. The media …

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