Biden’s approval rating among black Americans down 17 points: NBC poll

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A new poll from NBC News has revealed that Biden’s approval rating among black and Latino voters has fallen since his first year in office.

The poll found that approval of Biden’s job performance has fallen by 17 points among black voters since 2021, from 80 percent to 63 percent.

Biden’s job performance approval is also down from 61 percent in 2021 to 43 percent among Latino voters, down 17 points from 43 percent to 26 percent among voters with a high school diploma or less, and down 14 points among independent voters, from 50 percent in 2021 to 36 percent.

Overall, Biden’s job performance approval rating is down from 51 percent in April of 2021 to 41 percent in the most recent poll.

74 percent of voters said that they had major or moderate concerns over Biden not having the necessary physical or mental health to be president for a second term. Just 26 percent had minor or no concerns on the topic.

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