Billboard truck advertises sanctuary cities to illegal immigrants crossing Eagle Pass border into US

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Fliers and a truck advertising to illegal immigrants who recently crossed the border have popped up in Eagle Pass, Texas urging the recent arrivals to go to sanctuary cities across the nation.

The advertisements, posted to X by the Columbia Bugle, advertised cities like Chicago, San Francisco, and New York City for illegal immigrants to travel to.

In one flier, titled ‘United States of America Sanctuary City Travel Guide,’ San Francisco is toted as having laws that “prohibit city employees from helping Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with immigration investigations or arrests unless required by law or a warrant,” having “Lax Shoplifting Laws,” healthcare that is available to residents regardless of immigration status, and having “diverse and tolerant people.”

“A Sanctuary City is a safe haven for immigrants like you, regardless of your immigration status. These cities have policies in place to limit their cooperation with the national government’s effort to enforce immigration laws. This means you can live, work, and enjoy life with a lower risk of deportation.”

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