Israel war: AOC calls for ceasefire despite being told it would ‘leave Hamas in place’ in Gaza

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Sunday she would accept a ceasefire that would leave Hamas as the governing body of the Gaza Strip.

During an interview on MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan Show, Hasan asked the New York Democrat if she would “accept a ceasefire, though, would leave Hamas in place? You would accept that’s a cost of saving civilian lives in Gaza?”

Ocasio-Cortez said, “I think in the immediate sense, we have to have a pause in what is going on.”

Ocasio-Cortez believes that while the Hamas attacks against Israel were “horrific,” the Jewish state’s counterattacks “are not an appropriate response.”

“What we are seeing unfold in Gaza is an indiscriminate bombing campaign,” she said. “It occurs to me, and I think a question we must all ask ourselves, is what price of innocent life is acceptable in terms of targeting Hamas?”

Ocasio-Cortez said it is important for people to recognize the “asymmetry of what is going on, as well as the collective punishment of what is happening to the Palestinian people at this moment.”

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