Israeli losses rise in Gaza as President Biden calls for ‘pause’ in Hamas war

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President Biden on Israel-Hamas war: ‘I think we need a pause’

President Biden said there should be a “pause” in the Israel-Hamas War to provide humanitarian aid to Gazans and get those trapped in the Gaza Strip released.

The comment came during a campaign event in Minnesota on Wednesday evening, when a member of the audience shouted: “As a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

The president — who has not supported a ceasefire since the war began on October 7 — said that he would support a “pause.”

“I think we need a pause,” Biden began. “A pause means give time to get the prisoners out.”

In his comments, Biden was exerting pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to give Palestinians a brief reprieve from Israel’s retaliatory military operation. He also said he convinced both Netanyahu and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to allow aid into Gaza.

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