Dem governor complains as migrant surge strains her ‘right-to-shelter’ state’s resources

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As Massachusetts housing facilities brace for maxed-out capacity as early as this week, the governor of the “right-to-shelter” state is suggesting there are “a lot” of other places in the U.S. migrants should be sent.

Gov. Maura Healy announced this week there are 40 to 50 new families arriving in the state every day and seeking state assistance with housing, and the influx of people to Massachusetts — many without a lawful presence in the U.S. — has pushed the state’s shelter system close to its 7,500-family limit, according to a report in the Boston Herald.

Massachusetts has a “right-to-shelter law,” which entitles migrant families to taxpayer-funded emergency shelter. The Bay State is the only one in the country with a statewide right-to-shelter law, signed into law in 1983 by Gov. Michael Dukakis.

Healy, a Democrat, said she hopes the crisis doesn’t devolve into homeless people sleeping at Boston’s Logan Airport or in emergency rooms. She also suggested other states should consider accepting migrants.

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