Kansas City Mayor Claims Calling Super Bowl Shooters “Thugs” is Racist

Article originally appeared on www.frontpagemag.com.

The word “thug” (like ‘okay’) comes from India where the Thugees were less like the secret child labor cult from Indiana Jones and more like the ‘Travelers’ in the UK. While the violence of the Thugees was likely overstated, the blunt epithet became ideal for describing dumb and violent criminals.

In the BLM era, calling dumb violent criminals “thugs” is racist. So is saying anything negative about them.

Chicago’s Mayor Brandon Johnson had whined that, “it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.”

And now topping that, after the Super Bowl parade shootings,

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas claimed that Gov. Mike Parson describing the shooters as “thugs” is a “dog whistle in the most classic sense.”

The dog whistle is that they’re members of a cult of con artists in India?

Violent incidents …

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