Iran Covered Up Covert Israeli Operation That Destroyed Secret Iranian Nuclear Facility

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The Islamic Republic of Iran covered up a covert Israeli operation in July 2020 that resulted in the destruction of an Iranian nuclear facility that was kept secret from international atomic regulators.

The revelation about the operation was made this week after a hacker group obtained millions of documents from Iran’s judiciary and the Ministry of Intelligence.

Iran International discovered the incident after sifting through the documents and stumbling upon nine defendants who were charged with “confrontation with the Islamic government,” “sabotage,” “destruction of one of the Atomic Energy Organization’s devices,” “acts against national security through cooperation with Israel,” and possession of firearms and drugs.

An anonymous person claiming to be a disgruntled creditor contacted three brothers and asked them to hire a team of criminals to set the secret atomic workshop on fire. The brothers, who hired six additional cohorts, were paid 2.7 …

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