Obama Has ‘Grave Concern’ Biden Will Lose

Article originally appeared on www.frontpagemag.com.

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Despite mail-in voting and ballot harvesting and a host of other perfectly legal ways to tilt the playing field, could Old Joe Biden actually lose in November? If a Tuesday New York Times story is to be believed, the answer is a resounding yes, and among the most worried is the senescent corruptocrat’s old friend and mentor, Barack Obama.

“Old friend and mentor,” as is well known, is largely an image manufactured for public consumption. Obama has actually taken the measure of his aged former wingman, and has famously warned: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” If the Times story is accurate, and not just another signal that the Democrat establishment is ready to send Biden to a much-needed retirement, Obama is deeply worried that Old Joe is going to demonstrate his …

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