Madison Diverted $700K In Taxpayer Covid Relief To Illegal Aliens

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A Wisconsin lawmaker is demanding answers from the city of Madison in the wake of a report showing the leftist enclave doled out hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal Covid relief funds to illegal immigrants.

“The decision to use pandemic relief money to assist illegal immigrants at the expense of Wisconsinites reveals the out of touch priorities of Madison politicians,” Republican state Sen. Duey Stroebel said Thursday in a statement. His office has filed an open records request “to investigate the city’s questionable use” of the federal funds.

It appears city officials decided to do an end-around with their portion of the nearly $2 trillion in so-called “stimulus” funds that were handed out — and simultaneously dumped onto the untenable U.S. debt — by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in response to the Covid pandemic.

The Institute for Reforming Government’s Center for Investigative Oversight found the city approved $700,000 from its share …

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