Liar, Liar: Jen Psaki Forced to Make Embarrassing Change to Her Book After Her Pro-Biden Lie Gets Exposed

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Jen Psaki spun a tale that was at odds with the truth in her new book when she claimed her then-boss, President Joe Biden, never checked his watch in the presence of Gold Star families in 2021 as the remains of their children returned to the United States from Afghanistan.

The former White House press secretary has since vowed that future versions of the book will be without her revisionism on the subject.

Biden made headlines in August 2021 for his actions after 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing at the airport in Kabul amid his administration’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan to end American military operations there after two decades.

Even the left’s reliable fact-checkers at USA Today and Snopes confirmed the president had checked the time while he was in the presence of grieving families.

At Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Biden …

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