Are NeverTrump Donors Having a Change of Heart and Becoming Never Biden Voters?

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As the 2024 election nears and the destruction Joe Biden is visiting on the country gets worse, some who may have felt they were NeverTrumpers are now finding themselves becoming Never Bidens instead.

The first ripple in this wave of Never Bidens is of Joe Biden’s own doing, according to Eli Lake of The Free Press.

Many who may have found their way clear to vote for Biden are now reconsidering their support in the wake of his sudden turn against helping Israel in its fight against Hamas.

Last week, news broke that Biden was working quietly to prevent the shipment of planned aid and weapons that had already been approved for the Jewish nation.

With this hanging over him, many otherwise NeverTrumpers and erstwhile Biden supporters are turning against him. As Lake noted, some of these virulent NeverTrumpers are now …

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