Tucker Carlson Bringing Live Show on Road, Announces Wide Range of ‘Controversial’ Guests

Article originally appeared on www.westernjournal.com.

Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson is taking his show on the road in September ahead of this fall’s general election with a lineup of “controversial” guests.

Carlson, who was fired by Fox News in April 2023 for no stated reason, has developed a massive following on the social media platform X, with nearly 13 million followers.

His programs, which he publishes on X, draw millions of views.

In a promotional video for his upcoming tour, Carlson said, “The one thing we know for certain is the United States is going to be one intense place this fall moving into this presidential election.”

“So we thought what better time to hit the road and see the country,” he added.

“We’re going to be live onstage responding to everything that is happening in real time,” Carlson said. “It’s going to be fun as hell and interesting.”

Live nationwide tour this fall. See you there. Brought to you by @Sambrosadreams @Swan pic.twitter.com/3lgfqjit4w — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June …

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