Biden Admin Gives Julian Assange Sweetheart Deal To Avoid Prison In U.S.

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reportedly struck a deal with the Biden administration to plead guilty to a felony charge stemming from his role in one of the largest breaches of classified U.S. government material in history.

The Biden Department of Justice will seek a 62-month prison sentence for Assange, the same amount of time that he was imprisoned in the U.K. while he fought extradition charges, CNN reported. The plea deal allows the five years that he has served in the U.K. to count as time served, thus allowing him to avoid spending time in a U.S. prison.

He would be allowed to return immediately to his home country of Australia, the report said.

Assange was indicted by a Virginia federal grand jury in 2019 on more than a dozen charges that alleged he illegally obtained and disseminated classified information about U.S. Military operations overseas. He faced more than 175 years in prison.

He will instead …

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