Trump Explains How Agreeing to Debate Hosted by CNN Was a Strategic Move on His Part

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Many Republicans and Donald Trump supporters were baffled by the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s decision to debate his chief political rival, President Joe Biden, this coming Thursday.

The former Republican president’s momentum has been trending in the right direction for some time. Biden’s approval rating continues to dip.

Why change strategy at this point, especially when the debates — hosted by left-wing outlets CNN and ABC News — will undoubtedly be weighted in Biden’s favor?

Well, Trump gave his reasoning in an interview with the Washington Examiner on Monday and, it largely made sense.

The short version: The decision is all part of Trump’s strategy.

The long version: Trump believes the Biden team thought — and hoped — he wouldn’t agree to a debate and would instead turn down the offer.

The former president chose to call that bluff in the most public way possible.

“What they did, I’m pretty …

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