Report: ISIS-Affiliated Human Smuggling Ring has Brought over 400 Illegal Aliens into U.S. › American Greatness

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A new report claims that over 400 illegal aliens have been smuggled into the United States through a smuggling ring with ties to the Islamic terrorist organization ISIS.

As reported by Daily Wire, several anonymous officials told NBC News that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed the identities of the 400 individuals in question due to their Islamic ties. Of those 400, about 150 have already been arrested. Another 200 are known to law enforcement but are spread out across 17 states, and will likely be arrested in the near future. The remaining 50 are still unknown to law enforcement, and manhunts are underway to find them.

The Biden Administration tried to take credit for the arrests, citing “an abundance of caution” in their actions. However, NBC notes that the illegals were only able to get into the country in the …

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