King Charles III highlights mother’s legacy in first speech as sovereign

On Thursday, Queen Elizabeth II passed away surrounded by family at Balmoral in Scotland. She was ninety-six years old.Two days later, her son was proclaimed King Charles III at the Accession Council held at St James’s Palace. In attendance were members of the royal family, British politicians past and present, and others invited to witness the historic event.”My lords, ladies, and gentlemen,” King Charles III began, “it is my most sorrowful duty to announce to you the death of my beloved mother the Queen. I know how deeply you, the entire nation, and I think I may say the whole world, sympathize with me in the irreparable loss we’ve all suffered.””It is the greatest consolation to me, to know of the sympathy expressed by so many to my sister and brothers and that such overwhelming affection and support should be extended to our whole family in our loss.”Charles went on to highlight the legacy of his …

California bails out Berkeley journalism program, promises more journalists from ‘historically excluded backgrounds’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has allocated $25 million to UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism “to support and strengthen local reporting in underserved and historically underrepresented areas across the state,” according to a Wednesday announcement from the university. Dean of the journalism school at Berkeley, Geeta Anand, stated the reasons for the move and how the school will use the money.”We’ve got three reasons for taking this on,” she tweeted. “1: we all see the world through the prism of our own lived experiences. So, who our storytellers are matters. If we don’t have a diverse group of people becoming journalists, then we miss stories that matter.””This is core to Berkeley Journalism’s mission: removing the economic barriers for journalists who have historically been excluded from the industry. It’s why 1/4 of our new class are 1st-gen college students, …

Why Crime Will Explode In 2023

If you reward criminals with fewer consequences, crime grows exponentially.

So mark January 1st, 2024 on the calendar.

Today January 1st 2023, a new law goes into effect. The law will leave a major impact on the state of Illinois and the city of Chicago.

In some circles it is being touted as “the most dangerous law in America.” All for good reason.

The new law closely mirrors criminal “reforms” that have now been in effect for two years here in New York. In short it seeks to “right the wrongs” of “unfair” law enforcement and to press its thumb on the side of those previously disenfranchised.

This is mostly just a way to say that the woke left is attempting to bring down effective law enforcement in another big state, create chaos, and further allow that environment of anarchy to bring about their culturally marxist ideals.

We’ve seen the pattern across the nation. …

Now Ray Epps Admits He ‘Orchestrated’ Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’

Ray Epps is the fellow who was caught on video multiple times telling pro-Trump protesters that they were going to have to storm the Capitol. Yet despite this clear evidence that he was a singular ringleader and instigator of what Democrats insist was an “insurrection” that threatened the very survival of our free republic, Epps has never been charged with insurrection or anything else, or even been arrested. Meanwhile, people who never told anyone to storm the Capitol have languished in prison without trial for nearly two years now, in shocking conditions. All this has given rise to the widespread and lingering suspicion that Ray Epps is a fed, a suspicion that Epps himself has just reinforced by telling his nephew that he “orchestrated” the events of that fateful day. Of course he did.

A transcript of a deposition of Epps with the House Jan. 6 Committee, dated …

House Conservatives Put McCarthy’s Leadership Spot in Jeopardy Just Before Vote, Urge ‘Radical Departure from the Status Quo’

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s quest to become speaker of the House has run into new headwinds as the lower chamber of Congress prepares for a leadership vote on Tuesday.

Republicans gained control of the 435-member House in the November elections, with 222 seats. To be elected speaker over Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona — the only other Republican who has publicly said he wants the post — McCarthy needs 218 votes. That means any more than four Republicans opposing him, assuming all Democrats do, could sink his chances for the post.

On Sunday, nine Republicans signed a letter saying that McCarthy’s efforts to woo conservative Republicans have been, in essence, too little, too late.

“[T]he times call for radical departure from the status quo — not a continuation of past, and ongoing, Republican failures,” the letter said.

Republican Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Chip …

America’s ‘Most Dangerous’ Law Just Went into Effect – It’s Like Democrats Are Sabotaging the Country

“No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session,” American lawyer, politician and newspaper editor Gideon T. Tucker wrote in 1866.

How could the Honorable Mr. Tucker have known about 21st-century Illinois way back then?

Most of that state’s SAFE-T Act went into effect on Sunday, putting new constraints on law enforcement and giving new freedom to criminals.

Thankfully, a last-minute ruling Saturday by the Illinois Supreme Court suspended one of the worst aspects of the new law: elimination of cash bail, similar to what has occurred in New York state.

But it’s still a bad law, described by one of its opponents as the “most dangerous” he’s ever seen.

And Democratic Illinois Speaker of the House Emanuel “Chris” Welch has been aggressively pushing it, despite protests by Republicans of the 750-page bill crammed through both the state House and Senate in three days, …

After blowout gubernatorial victory, DeSantis continues to press heavily into U.S. culture wars

After a resounding re-election victory in the November election, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is delving even further into America’s increasingly bitter cultural wars.

In his initial 2018 race, DeSantis won against Democratic opponent Andrew Gillum by just 0.4%. In his 2022 re-election campaign, the Republican governor carried the race on a landslide, beating Democrat Charlie Crist by nearly 20 points.

That victory came after four years of DeSantis’s nonstop political crusading throughout the state, much of it at the forefront of hot-button cultural issues that many Republicans often opt to avoid.

Most prominent among those subjects has been LGBTQ politics, which DeSantis’s office has continued to press.

DeSantis Press Secretary Bryan Griffin said on Twitter in late December the administration was “actively investigating” reports of “a sexually explicit performance marketed to children” in the state, which multiple media outlets said referred to a “drag queen” show where children …

Down to the wire: McCarthy’s bid for House Speaker faces stubborn GOP opposition

As the House of Representatives plans to vote Tuesday for its next Speaker, current House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy is desperately scrambling to secure enough support within his own party to claim the gavel.

A prospective speaker needs a minimum of 218 supportive lawmakers to hold the post. After the November midterm elections, Republicans claimed a total of 222 seats, leaving any Republican leader with little room to maneuver.

Five House Republicans have committed to opposing McCarthy’s leadership, including Reps. Matt Gaetza, Fla.; Andy Biggs, Ariz.; Bob Good, Va.; Ralph Norman, S.C., and Matt Rosendale, Mont.

Their stalwart opposition leaves McCarthy one vote shy of the gavel, assuming he could wrangle the support of every other House Republican, and could force him to turn to Democrats for support, a move his has remained reluctant to pursue.

Incoming House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, moreover, has …

FBI Says Violence Against Jews Is in Decline. Jews Aren’t Buying It.

The FBI’s latest annual report shows a decline in violence against Jews, findings that are at odds with Jewish watchdog groups who say anti-Semitic hate crimes have hit their highest levels in history during the past two years.

The FBI’s 2021 findings, released at the end of last year, have sparked accusations the federal law enforcement agency is deflating these statistics at a time when the American Jewish community is facing an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism. At least one watchdog group is calling on Congress to investigate how and why the FBI underreported anti-Jewish hate crimes.

“At a time of record anti-Semitic hate crimes, it is appalling that the FBI’s data-gathering has been so badly botched,” said Kenneth L. Marcus, chairman of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, a watchdog group that combats Jew hatred. “This massive failure has undermined the purposes of hate …

Normal Blood Sugar Can Still Lead to Prediabetes, 2 Common Symptoms to Watch For

Do you feel hungry before meals and drowsy after meals? If this happens all the time, you may have insulin resistance in your body, which is considered prediabetes. Many people have pre-diabetes even if their blood sugar tests are normal. Be aware if you have the symptoms mentioned here.

Why Is There Insulin Resistance When Blood Sugar Level Is Normal?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one-third of American adults had prediabetes.

Pre-diabetic patients develop insulin resistance due to the decreased sensitivity of cells to insulin, so the body has to secrete a large amount of insulin to suppress blood sugar levels.

People with chronic insulin resistance are at high risk of developing diabetes later in life. Even if it does not develop into diabetes, when the insulin and blood sugar levels remain high for a long time, the continuous oxidative stress and inflammation in the …