Pressure Mounts on Left’s Most Notorious Dark Money Network

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In recent months, a number of notorious liberal “ethics watchdog” groups – most of which are part of an intricate web of entities backed by the far-left for-profit Arabella Advisors – have faced mounting scrutiny over potential serious (and illegal) ethics violations.

In the most recent example, Supreme Court “transparency” watchdog Fix the Court was forced to admit late last month that it had failed to disclose its own lobbying for liberal causes.

On its website, Fix The Court states that it is a “nonpartisan” group which “advocates for non-ideological fixes that would make the federal courts, and primarily the U.S. Supreme Court, more open and more accountable to the American people.” But a Washington Examiner expose in July revealed that the group had likely skirted campaign finance laws by not reporting activities that constitute grassroots lobbying, including urging the public to demand …

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