Could this Israel-Hamas war split the Democratic Party?

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Left-wing Democrats held a Capitol Hill press conference this week to demand a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. The usual suspects from the “Squad,” extremist defenders of Hamas who itch with every fiber of their being — like the terrorists they support — to see Israel wiped off the map, now want peace.

A telling exchange took place shortly before the press conference, not by coincidence, ended when a reporter asked about a double standard that pressed Israel to agree to a ceasefire instead of destroying terrorists who murdered 1,400 Jews on Oct. 7. The congresswomen wouldn’t expect the United States to cease hostilities if it had been similarly attacked.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) sidestepped the sharp inquiry by responding blandly, “Vengeance is not a foreign policy doctrine. We are here to save lives — Israelis, Palestinians, Americans.” Goodness, that’s interesting! Suddenly, it seems, all lives matter, an opinion that got people into a lot of trouble if they hinted at it three years ago during the Black Lives Matter riots.

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